At the Movies Week 1- The Bucket List

July 13, 2009 at 7:11 pm (Inspiration)

This weekend we kicked off our biggest series of the year at church called At the Movies.  This week’s movie was The Bucket List. 

Here is a quick synopsis of the movie:  Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman star as two terminally ill cancer patients who decide to break out of the hospital and live their last days to the fullest.  Edward Cole (Nicholson) is a corporate billionaire who is currently sharing a hospital room with blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Freeman). Though initially the pair seems to have nothing in common, conversation gradually reveals that both men have a long list of goals they wish to accomplish before they kick the bucket, and an unrealized desire to discover what kind of men they really are. But one can’t accomplish such lofty objectives from the confines of a hospital bed, so now, in order to live their lives to the absolute fullest, Edward and Carter will have to make a break for it. With a checklist that includes playing the poker tables in Monte Carlo, consuming copious amounts of caviar, racing the fastest machines on four wheels, and much more, these two terminally ill men will do their best to fit a lifetime of experience into their last remaining days while forging an unlikely, but truly remarkable, friendship. – Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide.

There were several scriptures that were used to go along with this message.  My favorite was Psalm 39:4-5 “LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.  My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you; human existence is but a breath.” 

How true is that verse!  Life is so stinkin’ short…and what am I doing about it.  Am I using this short time on earth to live life to its fullest?  Am I using this short time on earth to further His kindgom?  I sat down this weekend and made my own ‘bucket list’. 

  1. Go sailing. 
  2. Go deep sea fishing.
  3. See the Grand Canyon.
  4. Go on a mission trip to Africa.
  5. Go on a mission trip to Central America.
  6. Become debt free so I can give freely- so I can serve to my fullest capacity.

What about you?  What would be on your ‘bucket list’?


  1. Jenn said,

    I watched this sermon at in St. Louis while wearing my pajamas. It was super awesome! David had the day off from the hospital so he watched it with me, too.

    Here’s a few things that are currently on my list. I think it changes daily…. = )
    Oh, and they are in no specific order.

    Jenn’s Bucket List

    1. Be a mommy, grandma, and hopefully great-grandma someday.
    2. Play in Carnegie Hall….. (yea, I can dream big!)
    3. Hike in Yosimite National Park (hopefully I’ll be half the size I am now)
    4. Go on a mission trip to Africa (I’ve wanted to do this since about 1999)
    5. Become debt free again (we were before this whole Med School adventure) and stay that way….and yes, we want to be huge givers! Giving is my favorite!!!!
    6. Travel to Austria to see where many of my favorite composers once walked the streets.

  2. Leslie said,

    1. finish grad school!!
    2. work on a medical missions trip here in OKC
    3. work on a medical missions trip abroad
    4. raise enough money to drill well after well with
    5. write a novel
    6. have another bambino
    7. not be afraid to do something radical when God calls me

  3. Kristin Rydeen said,

    You are more than welcome to come stay with me and we will go see the Grand Canyon!!! 🙂

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